ALEXINE CHANEL (FR) works with photography, video, performance, installation, collage, and sculpture. The media is typically dictated by the nature of each project. What links these different forms of expression is a vibrant interest for collecting, describing, categorising, and documenting various structures, emotions, systems, and memories. Chanel calls attention to everyday occurrences, apparently mundane facts and widely accepted traditions or structures, reorganising these according to new, experimental systems, thus permitting a new reading of them.
The central theme of this body of work is the relationship between societal structures (spanning from religion, cultural traditions, to industry, administration, institutional matters) and the individual, its emotions and idiosyncrasies. It is the occasional discordances between these different types of organisms that interest Chanel. She has exhibited in Europe, (France, UK, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Switzerland, Greece) as well as in Morocco, India, Bangladesh, Korea and the USA.
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Quellverweis: eRecht24