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How does “everybody” fit into my wedding dress? 

This series started in Berlin in 2006 attempts to answer this simple question, discreetly alluding to the institution represented by the eponymous dress.


Still, how does “everybody” fit into my wedding dress?
Fitting Berliners and my family into my dress did not seem enough of an answer, how did other cultures fit?
I decided to take my wedding dress to the other side of the world, to China. Studying their wedding culture, I became fascinated with their obsession for wedding photography and their elaborate, lavish use of decors. I fabricated two portable decors, featuring reproductions of the Sans-Soucis gardens and offered this new wedding photo opportunity to the Shanghai dwellers.
Following is a selection from around 12 photographs, all untitled and shot in Shanghai in 2014.


The next setting for the Fitting in the Fitting is Dhaka, Bangladesh. What most caught my attention in this particular wedding culture is the tradition of “arranged marriages”.
It seemed fitting to fit the Fitting in the Fitting in a new fitting, creating a further syncopated space around the central figure, smaller and smaller in the decor.

Following is a selection from around 12 photographs, all untitled and shot in Dhaka in 2016.

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